A true once-in-a-lifetime event…
REVEALED: A "Behind-the-Scenes" Look
Into How Today's Best Doctors Are
Treating Cancer
BELOW: Discover how 18 of the world's most trusted
doctors help their patients defeat cancer.
Today, you can get access to
everything in the Beyond Chemo series.
“It's cancer”
Those 2 words can devastate even the strongest man or woman.
And they'd make anyone feel hopeless.
Unfortunately, conventional treatments – like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery – leave a lot to be desired.
Not to mention the horrible side effects…
like nausea…
weight loss…
Lack of energy…
Hair loss
Even brain fog and Chemo brain…
And, before long, patients become a shell of the person they once were.
But that doesn’t stop most oncologists from pushing their patients down that path.
In fact, it’s easy to feel like there are only 2 choices:
1) Let the cancer slowly take over
2) Choose a treatment that destroys quality of life (while only extending life for a few years)
Either way, it feels like a death sentence…
What If There’s a Better Way?
Luckily, there may be…
Look: it's important for you to know all of the options out there.
And you should talk to your doctor before deciding which treatment is right for you.
But I'm reaching out to you today to let you know that there is hope…
Because, right now, there’s a small group of doctors who are showing it’s possible to defeat cancer in their patients.
If you tuned in for the world premiere of Beyond Chemo, you met a few of them. And you heard their stories…
But if not, you’ll be surprised to hear just how they’re doing it…
They haven’t developed a new drug, or surgical technique.
And they’re not relying on chemo or radiation alone.
Instead, this powerful new method – endorsed by one of today’s top doctors – works with the body to help fight cancer cells (without harming healthy cells)…
By activating the body’s built-in defense system.
Which means: the ability to shrink deadly tumors and help…
Flush Cancer Cells from The Body…
Now I understand if that sounds too good to be true…
And you’re right to be skeptical.
Which is why I ask that you listen to the true story of Glenna Grant – a 65-year old mother of 2 – who used this technique to reverse her stage III breast cancer.
In February 2015, doctors found a 5.6-inch tumor in her left breast.
Tears welled in her eyes as her doctor delivered the news…
She felt helpless. And hopeless.
But things got worse when he drew up her treatment plan. Here’s what he recommended:
- Surgery to remove the tumor
- 6 rounds of chemotherapy
- And an astounding 33 rounds of radiation
“33 rounds?” she thought. That sounds insane…
Even with her treatment, doctors only gave her a few years to live… at best.
Glenna thought her life was over…
As she walked out of her doctor’s office – feeling alone and depressed – her mind drifted to the future…
She thought about all the things she’d miss…
Watching her daughters get married…
Celebrating her 40th anniversary with her husband…
And she wondered what her family would look like – without her around.
Right then, Glenna faced a big decision…
Follow her doctor’s treatment – and, maybe, live a few more years…
Or find a better way.
Luckily for her, Glenna chose that second option.
And, after asking around, she found me – and my clinic – through a friend.
I checked her blood work, ran a CT scan…
And, after looking at her results, we came up with an alternative plan for her…
One that didn’t involve any chemo, radiation, or surgery.
Instead, I recommended 2 specific things to reduce the cancer cells in her left breast…
While leaving the rest of her body untouched.
So Glenna didn’t suffer through the “normal” side effects of chemo and radiation – like losing weight, hair loss, Chemo Brain, or lack of energy and depression.
Actually, quite the opposite…
It Worked for Glenna – Giving REAL HOPE to Cancer Patients Everywhere
If you talk to Glenna today, she’ll tell you she’s doing great.
She stays active, walking with her friends up to 4 times a week. She spends time with her kids – attending their school plays and watching their soccer games on the weekends.
You’d never know that, just 4 years ago, Glenna was diagnosed with advanced, stage III cancer.
So how’d we do it?
How’d we reverse Glenna’s advanced breast cancer…
Without chemo, radiation, or surgery?
In just a minute, I’ll show you.
I’ll also tell you about several other cancer treatments – that are taking the industry by storm.
You’ll meet 18 of the world’s best cancer experts, who are leading the charge against the broken mainstream medical system…
And I’ll show you exactly how they say they’re reversing cancer in their own patients (even if it flies in the face of all the “mainstream” advice out there)…
And finally – at the end of this short message – I’ll show you how you can get access to information on these breakthough treatments yourself… starting today.
First, it’s important that you know:
The safe, cancer-fighting therapies you’re about to learn about aren't just for breast cancer.
And Glenna isn’t the only success story I’ll share with you today…
In fact according to one of America’s top cancer experts – who you’ll meet in just a moment…
These Cancer-Fighting “Secrets” Could Work
on Virtually ALL Types of Cancer
Yes, that’s…
Lung cancer
Prostate cancer
Breast cancer
Colon cancer
Brain cancer
Liver cancer
Skin cancer
Even deadly pancreatic cancer
All DEFEATED with the powerful treatments you’re going to learn more about on this page.
Can you imagine how that will feel?
Imagine all your worries and fears drifting away… suddenly replaced by the feeling that you just got a "second shot"…
Imagine all the good times you'll get to spend with your family. The laughs… the Christmas dinners…
Maybe you’ll even take that European vacation you’ve always dreamed of.
You’ll Be Free to Relax and Enjoy Life…
Without Fear of Cancer – or Anything Else – Getting in the Way
Now imagine doing it exactly the way God intended…
Of course, you should talk to your doctor before starting any new treatment.
And there are no guarantees when it comes to cancer treatment.
But, with this powerful new information at your disposal, you’ll be in total control.
Instead, you’ll be free to relax and enjoy life… without the fear of cancer – or anything else – getting in the way.
I’ll show you everything you need to know in just a minute.
First, I’m sure you’re wondering…
If this new cancer treatment works so well, why isn’t every doctor using it?
And more importantly, why haven’t you heard about this surprising new method?
Well, if you're familiar with how our slow-moving healthcare system works, the answer won't exactly surprise you. You see…
Big Pharma Wants These Safe, Natural Treatments To be Ignored
You see, believe it or not, cancer is big business.
Last year, the market for cancer drugs hit $100 Billion.
And this year, it’s expected to grow to $133 Billion.
How are they doing it?
It’s simple…
You see, in order to continue growing their profits, Big Pharma needs you to buy their drugs again and again and again.
Their entire business model relies on repeat customers…
So they trot out the deadly, dangerous chemo drugs you might be familiar with.
And while these “solutions” can destroy cancer cells, they also destroy healthy cells – which can result in nausea, hair loss, a complete lack of energy, weight loss…
But it gets worse. Because…
Chemo Drugs Only Have a 2.1% Survival Rate
Yes, it's true… a groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology revealed chemotherapy is an utter failure.
This study followed 150,000 cancer patients in America.
And they found that of those taking chemo alone… only 2.1% of them lived for another 5 years.
Meaning, if you follow the conventional plan alone, your chances of surviving are about 1 in 50.
In fact, of the estimated 1.7 million new cancer cases this year, Big Pharma’s drugs will only save 36,443 people.
Yet, as you’ve discovered in the Beyond Chemo series…
There are real, natural treatments available right now.
Including one that reported a 68% survival rate in one study of 1,000 patients.
Compared to the 2%survival rate of chemo…
That's 34X higher than chemotherapy…
Without any of the deadly side effects. Why isn’t this front-page news?!
Well, as you’re about to hear…
That’s Why I’m Pulling Back the Curtain and Revealing
This Information Today
I want to help you understand your options outside of chemo and radiation…
And to reveal the true breakthroughs – used by doctors around the country – that can fight cancer for a longer, healthier life.
My name, by the way, Dr. Mark Stengler.
I’ve been a naturopathic medical doctor for the last 22 years, I’ve written 30 books on alternative medicine, including one recent best-seller on alternative cancer treatments…
And through my 2 decades in medicine, I’ve found that the best treatments often come from God’s green earth… NOT some man-made drug or formula.
Unfortunately, that’s not what how the Big Pharmaceutical companies make money.
But that hasn’t stopped me…
Over the years, I’ve helped thousands of patients recover from, treat, and even reverse the effects of cancer on their body.
In fact, as you heard a moment ago, I was the doctor who saved Glenna Grant from her devastating diagnosis…
Sending her advanced, stage III breast cancer into remission…
Using the all-natural treatments you’ll discover in just a moment.
But I wasn’t always able to be the hero I was to her…
This Is Personal
You see, several years ago, I lost my mother to cancer.
Although I couldn’t save her then, that was my first look into our broken medical system.
I watched as they shuffled her from oncologist to oncologist – pushing her down the “conventional” path.
I saw what the mainstream treatments – like chemo and radiation – did to her body. The nausea. The hair loss.
I’m convinced, the chemo made her sicker than the cancer itself.
Watching her go through that was devastating.
And, although losing her was the worst moment of my life… it started a mission I continue to this day.
Since then, I’ve vowed to treat everyone like a family member…
Diving deep into the underground research to seek out the real root cause of cancer…
And creating remedies and protocols to address them.
But I’m Not Alone in My Mission
As I mentioned earlier, there are doctors all over the world who are treating cancer in their patients with these remedies right now.
And, over the past 12 months, I brought them all together to reveal their cancer-fighting protocols for the first time. Allow me to introduce the experts I call…
INTRODUCING: The Cancer “Dream Team”

Mike Adams

Dr. Paul Anderson

Dr. Josh Axe

Dr. Bita Badakhshan

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Dr. Geo Espinosa

Molly Fini

Dr. James Forsythe

Doug Kaufmann

Dr. Mark LaBeau

Dr. Michael Murray

Dr. Fred Pescatore

Dr. Patrick Quillin

Dr. Frank Shallenberger

Dr. Mark Stengler

Dr. Nasha Winters

Dr. Ben Lynch
“It’s Like Inviting 18 of the World’s Best Cancer Experts Over for a House Call”
And if you tuned in during the Beyond Chemo series, you know how life-changing this information is.
But if you couldn’t make it the first time, even if you only missed an episode…
Or you simply want to watch an episode again and again…
Now’s your chance to catch all the action…
For example, in episode 1, Mike Adams, Dr. Paul Anderson, Dr. James Forsythe, and Dr. Patrick Quillin took on the $100 Billion Cancer industry. Revealing…
- The TRUTH about the cancer industry. How they profit from keeping real treatments a secret. And why the information like what's in this docuseries gets ignored
- Why “mainstream” treatments – like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery – often aren’t your best option. Before you go down that path, you need to know THIS
- The #1 step to take immediately after diagnosis.
- How to ease the anxiety – and depression – that comes after a diagnosis. This simple 4-step plan gets patients ready to attack (and defeat) cancer
- The dangers of “Betty Crocker” oncology – and why mainstream medicine forces you to take this approach (warning: this might tick off some Big Pharma execs)
Then, in episode 2, I introduced you to Dr. Josh Axe, Dr. Michael Murray, and Doug Kaufmann. They showed you…
- What many forward-thinking doctors think is the true, root cause of cancer (it has nothing to do with genetics). And why mainstream treatments completely ignore a major reason why cancer grows in the first place
- The hidden dangers in the foods we eat – and how these toxic chemicals silently cause cancer cells to grow at a rapid pace (this will infuriate you)
- Why we MUST treat cancer like a fungus (is this why most mainstream treatments fail?)
- A simple, dietary tweak that can fight cancer cells at the root (and how Dr. Josh Axe used this approach to help his mother overcome breast cancer).
- PLUS: Dr. Axe shares the exact protocol he used to beat his mom’s cancer. Make sure you have a pen and paper when he reveals this!
And that’s just the beginning…
Because, in episode 3, you’ll meet Dr. James Forsythe and Dr. Bita Badakhshan… and hear from Dr. Paul Anderson and Dr. Frank Shallenberger again. They showed you…
- The 3-part treatment that demonstrated a survival rate 34X higher than chemotherapy in a study of 1,000 people (is THIS the most promising cancer treatment ever discovered?)
- Why a big cancer center in Reno, Nevada DENIED Dr. Forsythe’s 3-step protocol (hint: they’re making too much money using their conventional treatments)
- How to starve out cancer cells to with Dr. Shallenberger’s “Element 8” therapy
- A new way to treat cancer that’s taking the medical industry by storm (have you heard of IV therapies? Here’s what you need to know)
- The exact approach Dr. Forsythe uses on his patients – and how they have a 68% survival rate! (compare that to a 2% survival rate for conventional medicine)
How would it feel to hold that information in your hands?
Can You Imagine Adding These Easy Tips and Tricks to Your Cancer-Fighting Arsenal?
These experts revealed so much life-changing information inside the Beyond Chemo series. But we’re only halfway through…
Because, in Episode 4 you met Dr. Nasha Winters, Dr. Fred Pescatore, and Dr. Isaac Eliaz… as they revealed…
- The shocking – but true story – of how Dr. Winters beat ovarian cancer… on her own… along with the exact protocol she uses to stay cancer free
- 7 MUST-take supplements for sending cancer into remission
- The #1 anti-cancer diet. Works for patients who were recently diagnosed OR who are trying to prevent a recurrence
- A strange “fruit” – which Dr. Isaac Eliaz uses with patients in his personal practice – that has a 79% success rate in stopping his patients' cancer (I guarantee it’s not what you think)
But we didn’t stop there….Then, in Episode 5, we broke down the 2 most common cancers in men and women: prostate and breast cancer. You heard from Dr. Geo Espinosa, Molly Fini, and Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy. And you discovered…
- Dr. Espinosa’s “CaPLESS” Method for fighting prostate cancer. This is the exact, 5-step system he uses with his patients
- How Kris Sampson overcame a breast cancer diagnosis – and how she’s kept cancer from coming back
- 1 simple “lifestyle hack” that’s been shown to help reduce the risk of breast cancer by 60%
- MEN: Is the PSA test accurate? Dr. Espinosa reveals the TRUTH… along with which additional markers he says you should look for
How to Prevent the “Cancer Comeback”
And, finally, that brings us to Episode 6 – possibly our most important discussion. Because we tackled the #1 question we get from cancer survivors. Which is, “how can I prevent cancer from coming back?”
In this episode, you heard from Dr. Nasha Winters, and Dr. Frank Shallenberger on…
- 5 steps to help prevent the “cancer comeback”
- Did you know 70% of cancer survivors have a recurrence within 10 years? According to Dr. Nasha Winters, it’s true. Here’s how to help make sure it doesn’t happen
- The exact anti-cancer protocol Dr. Shallenberger uses with his patients – and why you won’t hear about this from your mainstream oncologist
And that’s just a small sample of everything we revealed in this groundbreaking series.
A “Behind The Scenes” Look into How Today’s Best Doctors Are Treating Cancer
With this life-changing information in your hands, you’ll have details on everything these doctors are using to…
- Prevent cancer. The Beyond Chemo series is full of information to help lower the risk of cancer.
- Treat cancer. Whether it's the conventional route, or the promising, new treatments we present in Beyond Chemo – you’ll have everything you need to know about treating cancer.
- Beat cancer. In the Beyond Chemo series, you’ll get information, diet tips, lifestyle “hacks,” – and more. All of which is being used – right now – by today's top doctor's and cancer experts.
Since we first released Beyond Chemo, over 350,000 people have tuned in. Here’s just a small sample of what they’ve had to say about it…
Rita Pagan from Scottsdale, Arizona said:
“Love Love Love this information. THANK YOU for sharing this with the public. I am trying to share this around, but it seems like cancer doctors discourage and forbid outside natural therapies of any kind. It is heartbreaking to watch loved ones going through this journey. But the information shared in Beyond Chemo is life-changing. Thank you, Dr. Stengler.”
Then there’s Mike Aller, from St. Petersburg, Florida:
“I really enjoyed the Beyond Chemo series. Thank you so much for making it available online. I'm very interested in integrative medicine and am looking forward to the day when mainstream doctors finally wake up!"
And Amy Petruff, from Glenns Falls, New York says:
“My husband has cancer and is on treatments. This series is sooo helpful with info for cancer patients, aftercare, and prevention to get it at all. Watch and take notes! Thank you for sharing the TRUTH!”
And because you joined us for this once-in-a-lifetime event, I have…
An Exciting Invitation for You
Because, today, you can get lifetime access to everything in the Beyond Chemo series.
That’s right… you can get lifetime access to all the life-changing information inside the Beyond Chemo series.
Here’s everything you get when you say “yes” and get lifetime access to the full Beyond Chemo series today…
- Lifetime access to all 6 episodes, in their entirety. You’ll get all the information you need to fight back against cancer – and you can learn right from the comfort of your own home. Share with a friend, or take with you on the road (this link will never expire, and you’ll have access for life)
- DVDs of each episode, so you can watch from the comfort of your own living room
- A FREE copy of my brand-new book, Outside-the-Box Cancer Therapies – where you’ll read about all the information in this docuseries, along with how I personally treat patients in my California clinic
- Over 4 hours of uncut, BONUS footage (want to do a full deep dive into the material? You don't want to miss this)
It’s Our Greatest Collection of Cancer-Fighting Secrets
Yours – today – as my way of saying “thanks” for joining me on this mission.
So, let me ask you…
How would it feel, knowing you have information on these cancer-defeating weapons at your disposal?
Not only will you have everything you need to know to fight cancer …
But you’ll be able to share this information with a loved one…
Your husband. Your wife. Your kids or grandkids.
Heaven forbid anyone you love ever facing a diagnosis. However, if it happens, you’ll have everything you need right here at your fingertips.
Wouldn’t you feel a bit more relaxed, and excited for your future?
How will you feel knowing your best days are ahead of you?
Friend, that’s why I’m giving you this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity today.
But wait, that’s not all…
Because if you order today, you’ll also get these FREE bonus gifts, as my way of saying “thanks” for joining me on this journey…

How to Stop Cancer Before It Starts
Did you know only 5-10% of cancer cases are genetic?
And up to 90% results from decisions we make in our everyday lives?
In this information-packed report, you’ll discover more than a dozen lifestyle “hacks” to help reduce the cancer risk. You’ll hear…
- How certain foods can create a cancer-killing “environment” in your gut (page 2)
- The #1 anti-cancer diet (page 4)
- A weird “movement” that reduces stress – which in animal studies was shown to slow tumor and cancer growth (page 9)
- How a sweet, sugary drink actually helps prevents tumor growth (surprising, but true!). Drink THIS before bed to protect all your cells (page 5)

Eliminate the Cancer-Causing Triggers in Your Home
In episode 4, Dr. Nasha Winters explained the dangers of toxins in our everyday lives. In fact, she explained how – by the time we leave the house each morning – many of us have already been exposed to over 100 cancer-causing chemicals.
So in the bonus report, Eliminate the Cancer-Causing Triggers in Your Home, we reveal the 5 worst chemicals for cancer – and where they’re hidden (#3 will shock you).
But there’s more…

21 Days to a Healthier Cancer Patient
Most people are completely overwhelmed when they get a cancer diagnosis. This easy-to-follow guide follows a patient from the moment they find out they have cancer, all the way through the end of your treatment. In it, you’ll discover…
- The #1 mistake most cancer patients make. Do THIS, and your chances of surviving almost disappear. Page 44…
- 9 things all cancer survivors have in common (I guarantee this list will shock you). Page 36…
- The “Dragonslayer shake” that can help reverse the side effects of chemo – while helping to shrink cancer cells in the body. Page 39…
- The EXACT vitamins and minerals to help make sure energy stays up, and how to stay healthy throughout your treatment. Page 40…
And so much more…
Get your free copy now.

The Doctors’ Guide to the Top 11 Cancer-Fighting Supplements
In this 18-page report, you’ll hear from our experts and get their exact recommendations on the supplements to take every day… to fight cancer and send it into remission.
- A popular spice that can help reverse inflammation, fighting cancer cells at the root (page 2)
- The surprising link between insomnia and cancer. And how this “sleep vitamin” turns your body into a cancer-fighting machine (page 7)
- Are you deficient in the “sunshine vitamin”? Studies show over 50% of Americans are. Yet this vitamin is emerging as a true cancer-fighting superstar. What is it? Turn to page 3…
- This “kissing plant” has been used to fight cancer for well over 100 years. Why isn’t it prescribed in America? Find out on page 5…

How to Defeat Prostate Cancer
Men, this one’s for you. As you probably know, prostate cancer is the #1 most common cancer in men. And, in this special report, you’ll discover a simple, 5-step program he uses to treat prostate cancer. Inside, you’ll find…
- 3 key causes of prostate cancer (hint: one of these is probably in your refrigerator right now). Page 2…
- 6 prostate cancer “warning signs.” These 6 things happen right as cancer starts to grow – catch them now to prevent prostate cancer before it starts. Page 3…
- The Ugly Truth about the PSA Test. Should you monitor your PSA numbers? Or is there something your doctor should be paying attention to? And the 1 additional thing you should watch for (page 4)
- Dr. Geo Espinosa’s 5-step “CaPLESS” method. Remember: this is the exact 5-step program he uses with his patients to treat prostate cancer. Your free gift on page 7
This is a must have for any man over 60! Get your free copy when you say “yes” today…

10 Questions to Ask Your Oncologist
Throughout the Beyond Chemo series, many people asked me…
“These treatments are great and all. But how do I talk to my conventional oncologist about using them?”
Not to worry… because we put together a simple, 1-page guide with 10 questions to ask your oncologist. This guide helps to make sure the patient and oncologist are on the same page… see if he has any experience with the treatments we’ve discussed…
And, ultimately, improve your odds of beating cancer.
These 6 FREE bonus gifts are yours today – when you get lifetime access to the entire Beyond Chemo series.
So what are you waiting for?
Click the button below and claim your VIP copy of Beyond Chemo now.
WAIT… there’s one more thing I forgot to mention.
During this invite-only “early bird” period – before we make this offer available to the public…
You can also get…
A FREE Copy of My Brand-New Book:
Outside-The-Box Cancer Therapies
Yes, that’s right… this brand-new book is hot off the presses. AND you can get it – for FREE – when you say “yes” today.
Inside, you’ll hear more about all the alternative cancer treatments we unveiled in Beyond Chemo…
PLUS: My personal experiences with the best way to treat cancer – based on my personal experience in my clinic.
This information never made it into the Beyond Chemo series – so the only place to get it is through this limited-time offer.
So, to recap everything you’re getting today, here’s everything I’ll send you when you say “yes” and get lifetime access to Beyond Chemo today…
- Lifetime access to all 6 episodes, in their entirety. You’ll get all the information you need to fight cancer – and learn right from the comfort of your own home. Share with a friend, or take with you on the road (this link will never expire, and you’ll have access for life)
- DVDs of each episode, so you can watch from the comfort of your own living room
- Your very own “Follow Along Guide” to Beyond Chemo: An easy-to-read transcript that’ll help you follow along with each episode
- Over 4 hours of uncut, BONUS footage
- Along with 6 FREE BONUS reports – including The Doctors' Guide to the Top 11 Cancer-Fighting Supplements… Eliminate the Cancer-Triggers Hiding in Your Home… How to Fight Prostate Cancer… and so much more…
- PLUS: A FREE copy of my brand-new book, Outside-the-Box Cancer Therapies – where you’ll read about all the information in this docuseries, along with my personal insights on how to beat cancer
Lifetime Access to Beyond Chemo for
Less Than You Pay for Healthcare!
If you’ve made it this far, you’re probably wondering…
How much does this package cost?
After all, if you called one of these doctors and tried to make an appointment, you’d end up spending at least $1,000 for an hour of their time.
That’s if you can get in to see them. Many of the doctors you met in Beyond Chemo have a yearlong waiting list…
I told you, these are the most “in demand” alternative doctors in the world today!
In fact, when we first decided to offer lifetime access to the Beyond Chemo series, that’s how much my marketing team wanted to charge: $1,000.
And honestly, it’d be a bargain at that price.
When you consider everything in this VIP package – including…
Protocols and treatments – used by real doctors – to fight cancer…
Lifetime access to all the information inside the Beyond Chemo series…
A free copy of my new book, Outside-the-Box Cancer Therapies…
PLUS: all the free bonuses we added for you…
I think you’ll agree: that’s still one heck of a deal.
But, because you took time out of your day to join me on this mission…
And because I know you’re ready for a brighter, cancer-free future…
You aren’t going to pay $1,000.
In fact, you aren’t going to pay $500!
When you click the button below, you’ll get lifetime access to Beyond Chemo plus everything I mentioned a moment ago…
For the rock-bottom price of just $299.
Join Our Mission Today
Online Access Only

- All 6 episodes (Digital)
- All interviews with 18 doctors and experts
- 400-page transcript book (Digital)

DVDs AND Online Access!
Everything PLUS Bonus Gifts!

- All 6 episodes (Physical + Digital)
- All interviews with 18 doctors and experts
- 400-page transcript book
- Outside the Box Cancer Therapies: Alternative Therapies that Treat and Prevent Cancer
- BONUS: Unedited bonus footage including 13 additional interviews
- 6 BONUS Reports: 6 Must-Have Guides to Defeat Cancer

Physical DVDs Only

- All 6 episodes (Physical)
- All interviews with 18 doctors and experts
- 400-page transcript book
- BONUS: Unedited bonus footage including 13 additional interviews

PLUS: There’s Absolutely No Risk With
My 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Here’s how it works…
Click the button below and get lifetime access to Beyond Chemo today.
When your package arrives, take everything out of the box and lay it on your kitchen table.
Marvel at how much information you now have access to… right at your fingertips.
Then, take the Beyond Chemo DVDs into your living room.
Pop in disk one and start watching…
Then, start taking notes as our experts reveal their “secrets” to fighting cancer.
Write down everything you want to remember.
Make your way through all the DVDs, plus the “bonus” footage…
Read all 365 pages of my new book, Outside-the-Box Cancer Therapies…
Leaf through all 6 free bonus reports…
And head to your computer to watch all 6 episodes of Beyond Chemo again and again…
And if you aren’t completely happy with everything in your VIP package…
If you don’t think all this life-changing information is worth double what you paid…
Simply give me a call and I’ll send you a full and courteous refund.
That’s 100% of your money back if you aren’t completely satisfied with your purchase today.
And This Guarantee Never Expires!
You can call me today, in a week, even 10 years from now – and I’ll still return every red cent you pay today.
You can even keep all your free bonus books (including Outside-The-Box Cancer Therapies) as my gift to you.
That’s how confident I am in everything you’ll find in the Beyond Chemo series.
But you must act now…
Click the button to get lifetime access now.
Friend, now’s your chance to say “yes” to your brand-new life…
Now’s Your Chance to Take a Stand…
And Fight Back Against Big Pharma
But there’s one last thing I want to mention before you go.
You see, over the last few days, you heard from 18 of the world’s top experts in cancer treatments.
You listened as they shared their (sometimes emotional) stories with you.
You watched as they revealed – for the first time ever – the exact treatments they use to fight cancer in their clinics.
And, now, we need your help…
See, the doctors you met over the last few weeks and I… we don’t have an endless budget like the big drug companies.
And we certainly don’t have the lobbying power.
So, in order to spread our message – and help as many people as we can – we need every last bit of help we can get.
If we ever stand a chance of getting the word out…
We Need You To Join Us Today
Join our mission as we fight back against the $100 Billion cancer industry.
By saying “yes” today, not only will you get lifetime access to the information in Beyond Chemo…
But you’ll help us spread the word about these breakthrough therapies.
And help us change the lives of millions more Americans – just like we hopefully changed yours…
Just click the button below now to join our mission today.
Online Access Only

- All 6 episodes (Digital)
- All interviews with 18 doctors and experts
- 400-page transcript book (Digital)

DVDs AND Online Access!
Everything PLUS Bonus Gifts!

- All 6 episodes (Physical + Digital)
- All interviews with 18 doctors and experts
- 400-page transcript book
- Outside the Box Cancer Therapies: Alternative Therapies that Treat and Prevent Cancer
- BONUS: Unedited bonus footage including 13 additional interviews
- 6 BONUS Reports: 6 Must-Have Guides to Defeat Cancer

Physical DVDs Only

- All 6 episodes (Physical)
- All interviews with 18 doctors and experts
- 400-page transcript book
- BONUS: Unedited bonus footage including 13 additional interviews

To a lifetime free of cancer,
Dr. Mark Stengler
Beyond Chemo
PS – Remember, here’s everything you’re getting when you say “yes” and get lifetime access to Beyond Chemo today:
- Lifetime access to all 6 episodes, in their entirety. You’ll get all the information you need to fight cancer – and learn right from the comfort of your own home. Share with a friend, or take with you on the road (this link will never expire, and you’ll have access for life)
- DVDs of each episode, so you can watch from the comfort of your own living room
- Your very own “Follow Along Guide” to Beyond Chemo: An easy-to-read transcript that’ll help you follow along with each episode
- Over 4 hours of uncut, BONUS footage
- Along with 6 FREE BONUS reports – including The Doctors' Guide to the Top 11 Cancer-Fighting Supplements… Eliminate the Cancer-Triggers Hiding in Your Home… How to Fight Prostate Cancer… and so much more…
- PLUS: A FREE copy of my brand-new book, Outside-the-Box Cancer Therapies – where you’ll read about all the information in this docuseries, along with my personal recommendations on how to beat cancer
Online Access Only

- All 6 episodes (Digital)
- All interviews with 18 doctors and experts
- 400-page transcript book (Digital)

DVDs AND Online Access!
Everything PLUS Bonus Gifts!

- All 6 episodes (Physical + Digital)
- All interviews with 18 doctors and experts
- 400-page transcript book
- Outside the Box Cancer Therapies: Alternative Therapies that Treat and Prevent Cancer
- BONUS: Unedited bonus footage including 13 additional interviews
- 6 BONUS Reports: 6 Must-Have Guides to Defeat Cancer

Physical DVDs Only

- All 6 episodes (Physical)
- All interviews with 18 doctors and experts
- 400-page transcript book
- BONUS: Unedited bonus footage including 13 additional interviews